By obtaining a ticket to the 2023 Burning Horse Festival, individuals agree to and accept that:

  • The activities offered at the 2023 Burning Horse Festival (which may include, but are not limited to, camping, swimming in the river, movement through areas of farmland/brush/trees, disc golf, spike ball, watching fire acts) involve risks and potential hazards. The risks and hazards include, but are not limited to, water safety issues, weather, fire, a farming environment, flying objects, tree branches, rough/uneven surfaces.
  • It is reasonable for Burning Horse organisers to assume that the inherent risks and hazards have been acknowledged and accepted, prior to obtaining a ticket and entering the festival grounds.
  • All rules given by the event organisers will be followed at all times. These include, but are not limited to:
    • Stay within festival boundaries
    • No glass
    • No alcohol to be brought on site
    • Act responsibly
  • Festival organisers reserve the right to withdraw any person from the festival grounds who, in the organisers’ opinion, is likely to cause any form of harm (be that physical or otherwise) to themselves or others.
  • Burning Horse organisers reserve the right to cancel any activity, for any reason, if it becomes of concern for the safety of any persons.
  • To the extent permitted by law, by obtaining a ticket and entering the festival grounds attendees release, waive, discharge and hold blameless the Burning Horse Festival and all persons, entities, and contractors connected to it from any and all liability for death, disability, personal injury (including mental injury), property damage, property theft, loss of personal equipment and all other risks, claims or actions of any kind (including negligence), whatever and however occurring which may arise, at any time, from or in connection with, directly or indirectly, as a consequence of me attending this festival.
  • Burning Horse reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken on event grounds, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. Anyone attending the Burning Horse event who does not wish to have their image recorded for distribution should make their wishes known to the event organisers in writing.
  • Any person or organisation not affiliated with Burning Horse may not use, copy, alter or modify Burning Horse photographs, graphics, or videography without the advance written permission of an authorized designee from Burning Horse.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!